Data Preparation
Data preparation is key for your success. An HRIS is a significant piece of work, and alongside your change management planning to bring your ELMO system into your business, your backend initial data preparation and upload will set you up for more rapid time to value. This page has sections that can be collapsed and expanded to show what you need to do in each aspect of foundational setup.
You will need access to your people’s data, and depending on your organisational size and structure, you may need to liaise with an HR team, a payroll team, and an IT team to find data and make decisions to set up your ELMO HRIS.

The goal here is that you are equipped to arrive at your first meeting with a series of files that will see you using your HRIS in a matter of weeks. We have sequenced the areas to prepare, and in each one, you will see this process:
- A short video explaining what this section is about
- A downloadable template to populate and save
- A legend explaining what each field or data type is
- A walkthrough video showing an experienced implementation consultant talking you through the completion of the template
Let’s go!
General Settings and Technical Specifications
Your general settings are where you can specify your site name, company email addresses, password settings, and more. Download and complete the below document about your setting preferences.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
The user profile is the hub where all information and activities related to an employee is stored. In this step, you’ll choose the information that you would like captured within the profile page, and define access permissions.
Download and complet this linked file about your profile requirements
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Departments, Locations, Job Roles, Postions and Users
Define the Departments within your company. Your Departments library is one of the three key libraries to set up in your ELMO system before users can be imported. The other key libraries are Positions and Locations, which are imported separately.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
Department ID | HR001 | Required The Department ID is used to identify and differentiate departments in the system. It must be unique for each department:
Title | Human Resources | Required The Title of the department is the name that will display in the system. |
Parent ID | PC101 | To establish a hierarchy of departments, you can nominate a department to be the Parent of another.
Enter the Department ID of the nominated Parent department into this field. Note: A department must already exist in the system before it can be nominated as a parent. This may require 2 separate imports. This field is not required and can be configured later. |
Description | Team responsible for managing the employee life cycle and administering employee benefits. | Add a longer Description of the department.
This field is not required and can be configured later. |
Enable | 1 or 0 | Required Departments can be imported into your library in an enabled or disabled state. Disabled departments appear in your library but cannot be used in the system. This field must be entered as a number:
Departments can be enabled or disabled as needed after importing them. |
Define the locations where employees can be based. Your Location library is one of the three key libraries to set up in your ELMO system before users can be imported. The other key libraries are Positions and Departments, which are imported separately.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
Location ID | SYD-BON002 or Sydney Bondi Office | Required The Location ID is used to identify and differentiate locations in the system. It must be unique for each location:
Title | Sydney Bondi Office | Required The Title of the location is the name that will display in the system. |
Parent ID | SYD-HQ001 or Sydney HQ | To establish a hierarchy of departments, you can nominate a location to be the Parent of another.
Enter the Location ID of the nominated Parent location into this field. Note: A location must already exist in the system before it can be nominated as a parent. This may require 2 separate imports. |
Description | Sydney Headquarters in the CBD. | Add a longer Description of the location.
This field is not required and can be configured later. |
addressLine1 | 580 George Street | Street address. |
addressLine2 | Floor 27 | Apt., unit, building, floor, etc. |
suburb | Sydney | Suburb/town/city |
state | 2 | The State must be entered as a number.
Use the Code list below to find the number that corresponds with each State (e.g. 2 is New South Wales). |
postcode | 2000 | Postcode |
country | AU | The Country must be entered as a 2-letter code.
Use the Code list below to find the code that corresponds with each Country (e.g. AU is Australia). |
Enable | 1 or 0 | Required Locations can be imported into your library in an enabled or disabled state. Disabled locations appear in your library but cannot be used in the system. This field must be entered as a number:
Locations can be enabled or disabled as needed after importing them. |
In this phase, we define the Job Roles (the categories that staff occupy). For example, Animal Trainer is a job role, and you may have 3 staff working in such a role (in 3 different positions in your organisation; a lion trainer, penguin trainer and elephant trainer).
Job roles outline different job functions’ description and qualifications description, skills, goals, competencies, development objectives and courses. Job roles act as templates for positions. Once job roles are created, positions can be linked to the job roles.
Please download this Job Role file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the Job Role file:
Field | Example | Description |
Job Role ID | AMA | Required The Job role ID is used to group positions in the system. It must be unique for each Job role. Note: Multiple positions can be linked to the same Job role ID. |
Title | Administration Manager Assistant | Required The Title of the Job role is the name that will display in the system. |
Enable | 1 | Required Job roles can be imported into your job roles library in an enabled or disabled state. Disabled job roles appear in your library but cannot be used in the system. This field must be entered as a number:
Job roles can be enabled or disabled as needed after importing them. |
Description | The Administration Manager Assistant is responsible for providing support to the administration manager and ensuring the smooth operation of administrative tasks within the company. | Add a longer Description of the Job role.
This field is not required and can be configured later. |
Skills and experience | Bachelor degree, excellent communication skills. | Skills and experience needed for the Job role.
This field is not required and can be configured later. |
With Job Roles defined, you can now define the position titles for job roles filled by staff within your organisation. Your Positions library is one of the three key libraries to set up in your ELMO system before users can be imported. The other key libraries are Departments and Locations, which are imported separately.
Please download this Positions linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
Position ID | HRA001 | The Position ID is used to identify and differentiate positions in the system. It must be unique for each position.
If left blank, Position ID will be auto-generated. |
Auto-generate Position ID | 1 or 0 |
Note: This field is only applicable to existing Position IDs that have not been auto-generated.
Title | HR Administrator | Required The Title of the position is the name that will display in the system. |
Enable | 1 or 0 | Required Positions can be imported into your positions library in an enabled or disabled state.This field must be entered as a number:
Budgeted FTE | 1 | Required Enter the amount of FTE (Full-time equivalent) budgeted for the position. Enter 0 if there is no budgeted FTE data for this position. |
Budgeted headcount | 1 | Enter the amount of headcount budgeted for the position into this field. |
Budgeted base salary | 100000 | Enter the amount of base salary budgeted for the position into this field. |
Department | HR001 or Human Resources | Enter the Department ID of the department the position belongs to.
Note: A department must already exist in the system before it can be populated in this field. This may require 2 separate imports. |
Location | SYD-BON002 or Sydney Bondi Office |
Enter the Location ID of the location the position belongs to into this field. Note: A location must already exist in the system before it can be populated in this field. This may require 2 separate imports. |
Job Role | POS001
ITL2 |
Enter the Job Role ID of the job role the position is linked to.
Ensure the job role is populated completely before linking existing position to avoid losing existing data in position. Note: A job role must already exist in the system before it can be populated in this field. Once the position is linked to a job role, the position will start inheriting information from the job role. |
Description | The HR Manager is the go-to person for all employee-related matters. | Add a longer Description of the position.
This field is not required and can be configured later. |
Qualifications | Bachelor degree, excellent communication skills. | Qualifications refer to the skills and experience needed for the position. |
Reports To | Bachelor degree, excellent communication skills. | Qualifications refer to the skills and experience needed for the position. |
Indirectly Reports To | HRM001 or HR Manager |
To establish a hierarchy of positions, you can nominate a position that the position reports to.
Enter the Position ID of the nominated reports to into this field. Note: A position must already exist in the system before it can be nominated. This may require 2 separate imports. This field is not required and can be configured later, however we strongly recommend populating this field if you have purchased ELMO HR Core as this will improve Team Search, Org chart and Custom Reports. If you do not have the HR Core module, the benefit of populating this field is limited to filters in reporting, so you may choose to leave this field blank. |
Inheritance status | 1 | This field must be entered as a number:
When inheritance is enabled for a position, any changes to the position data (eg. department, location or reports to manager) will be inherited automatically in the assigned employee profiles. By default, inheritance is OFF for all positions. |
position.importer.CustomPositionField | Text Information | Enter text information in this field. |
The next step is to prepare the data that will eventually be imported to create user profiles for each of your employees. Follow the link below and select “Download Import Template”, then complete the template spreadsheet with the help of the legend provided.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Code | Description |
First Name | Ariana | Required Enter the Legal First Name of the user. If the user has a Preferred First Name, then the legal name will only be visible to HR Managers and Payroll Admins, as it’s required for payroll and legal purposes. |
Last Name | Citizen | Required Enter the Legal Last Name of the user. If the user has a Preferred Last Name, then the legal name will only be visible to HR Managers and Payroll Admins, as it’s required for payroll and legal purposes. |
Username | ariana.citizen | Required The username is what will be used to log into ELMO. Important:
| | Required The email address of the user. Important:
Preferred First Name | Enter the Preferred First Name of the user.
This will be the name displayed throughout the system and visible to everyone. Note: If left blank, the Legal First Name will be used as the display name. |
Preferred Last Name | Enter the Preferred Last Name of the user.
This will be the name displayed throughout the system and visible to everyone. Note: If left blank, the Legal Last Name will be used as the display name. |
Position | HRA001 or HR Administrator | Add the user’s position by entering the Position ID, as it appears within your Positions library.
Note: Multiple users can be linked to the same Position ID. |
Assigned FTE | 1 | Required Enter the amount of FTE (Full-time equivalent) assigned to the user into this field. If an empty value is provided for this field, the system will default the value to ‘0’. |
Assigned base salary | 100000 | Enter the amount of base salary assigned to this user into this field. |
Department | HRA001 or Human Resources | If inheritance is disabled for the position, add the user’s department by entering the Department ID, as it appears within your Departments library.
If inheritance is enabled for the position, department is inherited from the selected position. Any data entered in this field in this case will be disregarded. |
Location | SYD-BON002 or Sydney Bondi Office | If inheritance is disabled for the position, add the user’s Location by entering the Location ID, as it appears within your Locations library.
If inheritance is enabled for the position, location is inherited from the selected position. Any data entered in this field will be disregarded. |
Manager | sharon.doe | Manager is inherited from the selected position by default.
If overriding inherited Manager, enter the user identifier of the user’s Manager into this field. It is case sensitive. Note: A user must already exist as in the system before they can be nominated as a manager. This may require 2 separate imports. |
Indirect manager | mary.jane | Indirect manager is inherited from the selected position by default.
If overriding inherited Indirect manager, enter the user identifier of the user’s Indirect manager into this field. It is case sensitive. Note: A user must already exist as in the system before they can be nominated as Indirect manager. This may require 2 separate imports. |
Employee Number | AC1234 | Enter the Employee Number of the user.
Note: If auto generate employee numbers is enabled please leave this column blank. |
Date of Birth | 01/01/2000 | The Date of Birth of the user.
This must be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY. |
Start Date | 01/01/2023 | The Start Date of the user.
This must be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY. |
Service Start Date | 01/02/2023 | The Service Start Date of the user is the date of their first day on the job.
This must be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY. |
End Date | 01/01/2024 | The End Date of the user.
This must be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY. |
Expiry Date | 01/01/2024 | The Expiry Date of the user is the date the system will automatically mark their user profile as inactive, and they will no longer be able to log in.
This must be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY. |
Mobile | “0411112222” | The Mobile Number of the user.
Country | AU | Required The Country must be entered as a 2-letter code.Use the Code list below to find the code that corresponds with each Country (e.g. AU is Australia).Click here to see the Code list |
State | 2 | Required The State must be entered as a number. Use the Code list below to find the number that corresponds with each State (e.g. 2 is New South Wales in Australia). |
System Default Timezone | Area/Location | The Timezone must be entered in the format displayed within the list below. |
Company (Legal Entity) | Test | Select the Company (or Legal Entity) for the user by entering the company name exactly as it appears in the list of options below.
Note: Each user can only be linked to 1 Legal Entity.
Effective From | DD/MM/YYYY | Effective From e.g 31/12/2025 |
Effective To | DD/MM/YYYY | Effective To e.g 31/12/2025 |
Reason | xxxxxxxxxxxxx | ReasonID |
Comment | xxxxxxxxxxxxx | Any comments related to the data being imported. |
profile_field_customfielddate | Custom date field associated with the user’s profile. This field is optional. | |
profile_field_customfieldtext | Custom text field associated with the user’s profile. This field is optional. | |
profile_field_customfieldmenu | Custom dropdown menu associated with the user’s profile. This field is optional. | |
profile_field_customfieldcheckbox | Custom checkbox field associated with the user’s profile. This field is optional. | |
profile_field_enterprise | Custom enterprise field associated with the user’s profile. This field is optional. | |
profile_field_menutwo | Custom dropdown menu field associated with the user’s profile. This field is optional. | |
profile_field_jobfamily1 | Custom job family field associated with the user’s profile. This field is optional. | |
Active | 1 | Users can be imported in an active or inactive state. Inactive users are searchable in your User List, but cannot log into the system.
This field must be entered as a number:
Note: If this field is left blank, then the user will be imported as active. Users can be activated or deactivated as needed after importing them. |
Prepare your HR Core Data
Bulk importing users’ Personal Details from a CSV file.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”).
Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″. Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account.The Username is the user identifier for this account. | | Email address of the user. | |
Address Line 1 | 520 Oxford Street | Street address of the user. |
Address Line 2 | Unit 25 | Apt., unit, building, floor, etc. |
Suburb/Town/City | Bondi Junction | Suburb/Town/City |
State/Province/County | 2 | The State/Province/County must be entered as a number.
Use the Code list below to find the number that corresponds with each State (e.g., 2 is New South Wales in Australia). |
Postcode | 2026 | Postcode |
Country | AU | The Country must be entered as a 2-letter code.
Use the Code list below to find the code that corresponds with each Country (e.g., AU is Australia). |
Home Phone Country Code | 61 | This must be entered as a 2 or 3 digit number (e.g., 61 is the code for Australia).
Home Phone Area Code | “02” | This must be entered as a 2, 3, or 4 digit number (e.g., 02 is the code for New South Wales).
Mobile Country Code | 61 | This must be entered as a 2 or 3 digit number (e.g., 61 is the code for Australia).
Mobile Area Code | “04” | This must be entered as a 2, 3, or 4 digit number (e.g., 04 is the code for Australia).
Home Phone | “0233334444” |
Work Phone | “0255556666” |
Mobile Phone | “0411112222” | Important:
Bulk importing users’ Emergency Contact Details or Next of Kin Details from a CSV file.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”).
Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″. Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account. The Username is the user identifier for this account. |
Type | 2 | Required The Type determines whether this information is entered into the system as Emergency Contact details or Next of Kin details. The Type must be entered as a number.Please select an option:
Name | Daniel Citizen | Required Name of the person nominated as next of kin or emergency contact. |
Relationship | Father | Required Contact’s relationship to the user. | | Email address of the contact. | |
Address Line 1 | 100 Queen St | Street address of the contact. |
Address Line 2 | Unit 20 | Apt., unit, building, floor, etc. |
Suburb/Town/City | Melbourne | Suburb/Town/City of the contact. |
State/Province/County | 7 | The State/Province/County must be entered as a number.
Use the Code list below to find the number that corresponds with each State (e.g., 7 is Victoria in Australia). |
Postcode | 3000 | Postcode of the contact. |
Country | AU | The Country must be entered as a 2-letter code.
Use the Code list below to find the code that corresponds with each Country (e.g., AU is Australia). Important:
Home Phone | “0233334444” | Home Phone number of the contact.
Work Phone | “0255556666” | Work Phone number of the contact.
Mobile Phone | “0411112222” | Required Mobile Phone number of the contact. Important:
Bulk importing answers given by users for their diversity questions.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”).
Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″. Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account. The Username is the user identifier for this account. |
answerText | I speak English and Mandarin. | Only populate the user’s answer in this field if the question had a text-based ‘Response Type’, such as:
question | Which language(s) do you speak at home? | Enter the diversity question as free text. |
answerOption | English, Mandarin. | Only populate the user’s answer in this field if the question had a set of predefined options to choose from. That is, the ‘Response Type’ was one of the following:
Note: For Multiple Choice with multiple responses, add each as separate rows for import. Existing values won’t be replaced. |
Bulk importing users’ Tax File Number Details and other related information.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”). Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″. Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
Use my personal email as primary email | 1 | This field must be entered as a number.
Please select an option:
Primary Email Address | | Important:
This is the primary email address if the employee does not want to use their personal email address. |
Tax File Number | 123456789 | The employee’s Tax File Number must be entered as a 9-digit number, without any special characters such as spaces or hyphens.
If this field is left blank, then please complete the “Reason for no TFN” field. ATO forms data used in:
Basis Of Payment | 1 | Required This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
ATO forms data used in:
Reason for no TFN | 4 | Important:
This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
ATO forms data used in:
Is Australian Resident | 1 | Required This field must be entered as a number.Please select an option:
ATO forms data used in:
Is Working Holiday Maker | 0 | Required This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
This indicates whether the employee is a working holiday maker. ATO forms data used in:
Visa Country | DE | Important:
This must be entered as a 2 digit country code from the ISO 3166 standard. Use the country list below to find the code that corresponds with each Country (e.g. DE is Germany). Click here to see country list ATO forms data used in:
Claim Tax Free Threshold | 1 | Required Warning: Tax-freethreshold cannot be claimed if Working Holiday Maker is set to “Yes”. This field must be entered as a number.Please select an option:
ATO forms data used in:
Claim Pensioner Offset | 0 | Important:
This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
ATO forms data used in:
Claim Zone Offset | 0 | Important:
This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
ATO forms data used in:
STLR – Study and Training Loan Repayment | 0 | Required Important:
This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
ATO forms data used in:
Previous Surname | Doe | Provide the employee’s previous family name, if they have changed their name since they last dealt with the ATO.
ATO forms data used in:
PAYG Variation Type | 1 | Important:
This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
ATO forms data used in:
PAYG Variation | 5000 | Important:
The PAYG Variation must be entered as a number, up to 2 decimal places, and without special characters such as ‘$’ and ‘%’.
ATO forms data used in:
Additional Tax | 5000 | If there is additional tax then enter the amount.
This field must be entered as a number. |
I declare that the information I have given is true and correct | 1 | Required This field must be entered as 1, which means ‘Yes’. ATO forms data used in:
Tax Declaration Date | 01/02/2023 | Required This date must be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY. Important Note: If you are making modifications to an employee’s existing taxation details, ensure a new declaration date is entered. Only current and future dates can be accepted. |
Tax Declaration Date Timezone | Australia/Sydney | Required The Time Zone must be entered in the format displayed within the list below.Click here to see the Timezone list ATO forms data used in:
Bulk importing users’ Employment Details (including rates and payroll cycle).
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”). Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″. Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account. The Username is the user identifier for this account. |
Standard Hours Per Week | 37.5 | Required The Standard Hours Per Week is used to calculate the employee salary. This must be entered as a number. Important:
Rate | 38.461538 | This is the Rate exclusive of superannuation.
It must be entered as a number, without special characters such as ‘$’. e.g. An employee on $75,000 per annum, working a 37.5-hour week would be on an hourly rate of $38.461538. (75,000 / 52 wks / 37.5 hrs = 38.461538). |
Rate Type | 1 | Required The Rate Type must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
Employment Type | 3 | Required The Employment Type must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
State/Regions Employed | NSW | The State/Region must be entered as a 2 or 3 letter code.
Please select an option:
Payroll Cycle | 1 | The Payroll Period must be entered as a number.
Please select an option:
Include Superannuation | 1 | Opt to include the employee’s superannuation in the estimated calculated salary amount.
This field must be entered as a number:
Leave Policy | 1 | Only relevant if your organisation opts to use the Leave function.
The Leave Policy must be entered as a number. This will require your Leave type and Leave Policy to be configured prior to running the important file. The configuration is completed by clicking on Administration > HR Core > Import Profile > Employment Details. |
Reason | Other | Required This should match the Reason ID List saved in the Reasons for change library. For the initial import, please use “Other” as the value for all users. |
Effective From | 28/09/2023 | Required Date the change is effective from. |
Effective To | 30/10/2023 | Date the change is effective to. |
Comment | New position and salary increase | Any comments related to this change. |
Bulk importing users’ Import users Bank Account Details.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”). Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″. Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account. The Username is the user identifier for this account. |
Account Name | Ariana Citizen | Required The employee’s Bank Account Name. |
BSB | “032854” | Required The BSB number is a code that represents the bank, state, and branch location. This must be entered as a 6-digit code.Important:
The employee’s Account Number. This is commonly an 8 or 9 digit number, depending on the bank. Important:
Is Primary Account | 1 | Required Every user profile must have a Primary Bank Account. Note: A Primary Bank Account must already exist in the system before any secondary accounts can be added. This may require 2 separate imports. This field must be entered as a number:
Rate Type | 1 | Important:
The Rate Type determines if the value in a non-primary bank account will be set as a dollar amount or a percentage. This field must be entered as a number:
Rate Value | 5000.55 | Important:
The Rate Value must be entered as a number, without special characters such as “$” and “%”. The rate amount must be greater than 0.01 to ensure the information is sent to payroll successfully. If the Rate Type is an amount, then the Rate Value must be entered as a number (up to 2 decimal places). If the Rate Type is a percentage, then the Rate Value must be entered as a number between 0-100 (up to 2 decimal places). |
Bulk importing users’ Superannuation Details.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”). Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″.
Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account. The Username is the user identifier for this account . |
Super Fund Type | 2 | Required Designate the type of Super Fund that has been chosen by the employee. This must be entered as a number. Please select a Type:
Super Fund Name | Australian Super | Required Super Fund must match the SuperFund list available at:Super Fund Lookup |
Super Fund Phone | 1300300273 |
Phone number of the Super Fund must be entered as a number, without spaces or other special characters. |
Super Fund Email | | The email address of the Super Fund. |
Super Fund ABN | 65714394898 | The ABN of the Super Fund must be entered as a number, without spaces or other special characters.
Super Fund ABN and USI must match the SuperFund list available at: |
Super Fund USI | STA0100AU | The USI of the Super Fund must be entered as a code, without spaces or other special characters.
Super Fund ABN and USI must match the SuperFund list available at: |
Membership Number | 12345678 | The employee’s Membership Number must be entered as a number, without spaces or other special characters.
Account Name | Ariana Citizen | The employee’s bank Account Name.
This field is limited to 32 characters if Super Fund Type 4 (SMSF) is selected. |
BSB | “032854” | BSB of the employee’s bank.
This must be entered as a 6-digit code. Important:
Account Number | “012345678” | The employee’s bank Account Number.
This is commonly an 8 or 9-digit number, depending on the bank. Important:
Fund Electronic Service Address (ESA) | CLICKSUPER |
An ESA is a series of alphanumeric characters with a combination of upper and lower case characters and is case sensitive. |
Scheme Provider URL | | The URL of the scheme provider. |
Address Line 1 | 520 Oxford Street | Street address of the employee. |
Address Line 2 | Unit 25 | Apt., unit, building, floor, etc. |
Suburb/Town/City | Bondi Junction | Suburb, town, or city of the employee. |
State | 2 | The State must be entered as a number.
Please select an option:
<li >Enter 8 for Western Australia |
Postcode | 2000 | Employee’s postcode. |
Bulk importing users’ IRD Number Details and other related information in bulk.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”).
Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″. Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account. The Username is the user identifier for this account. |
IRD Number | “012345678” | Required The IRD Number must be entered as a 9-digit number, without any special characters such as spaces or hyphens.If the IRD is an 8-digit number, a zero must be added as the first number, (e.g. 12345678 will be entered as 012345678). Important:
Tax Code | M | Required This must be entered as one of the tax codes listed below: M, M SL, ME, ME SL, SB, SB SL, S, S SL, SH, SH SL, ST, ST SL, SA, SA SL, CAE, EDW, NSW, WT, STC, ND. |
Special Tax Rate Percentage | 20.15 | Important:
It must be entered as a number between 0-100, up to 2 decimal places, and without any special characters such as %. |
Schedular Payment Tax Rate Percentage | 20.15 | Important:
It must be entered as a number between 0-100, up to 2 decimal places, and without any special characters such as %. |
Primary Income | 1 | Important:
Specify whether this is the employee’s primary income. This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
Student Loan | 1 | Specify whether the employee has a student loan.
This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
Special deduction rate certificate provided? | 1 | Specify whether a special deduction rate certificate is provided.
This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
Special deduction rate | 1 | Important:
This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
Bulk importing users’ Employment Details (including rates and payroll cycle) in bulk.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”).
Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″. Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account. The Username is the user identifier for this account. |
Standard Hours Per Week | 37.5 | Required The Standard Hours Per Week is used to calculate the employee salary.This must be entered as a number. Important:
Rate | 38.461538 | This is the Rate exclusive of superannuation.
It must be entered as a number, without special characters such as ‘$’. e.g. An employee on $75,000 per annum, working a 37.5-hour week would be on an hourly rate of $38.461538. (75,000 / 52 wks / 37.5 hrs = 38.461538). |
Rate Type | 1 | Required The Rate Type must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
Employment Type | 3 | Required The Employment Type must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
State/Regions Employed | AUK | The State/Region must be entered as a 2 or 3 letter code.
Please select an option:
Payroll Cycle | 1 | Required The Payroll Period must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
Include Superannuation | 1 | Opt to include the employee’s superannuation in the estimated calculated salary amount.
This field must be entered as a number:
Leave Policy | 1 | The Leave Policy must be entered as a number.
As these values as fully customised to your organisation, please refer to the legend in your ELMO TMS site which can be found clicking on Administration > HR Core > Import Profile > Employment Details. |
Reason | Promotion | Required This should match the Reason ID List saved in the Reasons for change library. |
Effective From | 28/09/2023 | Required Date the change is effective from. |
Effective To | 30/10/2023 | Date the change is effective to. |
Comment | New position and salary increase | Any comments related to this change. |
Bulk importing users’ Import users Bank Account Details.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”). Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″.
Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account. The Username is the user identifier for this account. |
Account Name | Ariana Citizen | Required The employee’s Bank Account Name. |
BSB | “0686” | Required The BSB field is used for the Branch Codes in NZ. This must be entered as a 4-digit number. Important:
Account Number | “0123456” | Required This is the employee’s Account Number. This must be entered as a 7-digit number. Important:
Is Primary Account | 1 | Required Every user profile must have a Primary Bank Account. Note: A Primary Bank Account must already exist in the system before any secondary accounts can be added. This may require 2 separate imports. This field must be entered as a number:
Bank Number | “02” | The Bank Number is the prefix to the Branch Code (also referred to as BSB in this importer).
It must be entered as a 2-digit number. Important:
Suffix | “099” | The Suffix is a 2 or 3-digit code used to denote the type of bank account held.
It must be entered as a 3-digit number. If the Suffix is a 2-digit number, a zero must be added as the first number in the suffix (e.g. 99 will be entered as 099). Important:
Rate Type | 1 | Important:
The Rate Type determines if the value in a non-primary bank account will be set as a dollar amount or a percentage. This field must be entered as a number:
Rate Value | 5000.55 | Important:
The Rate Value must be entered as a number, without special characters such as “$” and “%”. The rate amount must be greater than 0.01 to ensure the information is sent to payroll successfully. If the Rate Type is an amount, then the Rate Value must be entered as a number (up to 2 decimal places). If the Rate Type is a percentage, then the Rate Value must be entered as a number between 0-100 (up to 2 decimal places). |
Bulk importing users’ KiwiSaver Employee for NZ.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”). Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″. Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account. The Username is the user identifier for this account |
optIn | 1 | Required Opt in or opt out of Kiwisaver.This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option:
optInDate | 01/02/2023 | Important:
This date must be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY. |
optOutDate | 01/02/2023 | Important:
Employees cannot opt-out within 14 days from their start date. Please ensure the ‘Start Date’ is available in the employee’s User Profile, else the import will fail. Note: The employee can opt-out successfully without providing an Opt-Out Reason if the difference between Start Date and Opt Out Date is on, or between, day 14-56.I declare that the information I have given is true and correct.This field must be entered as 1. |
declarationDate | 01/02/2023 | Required This date must be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY. |
declarationDateTimezone | Pacific/Auckland | Required The Time Zone must be entered in the format displayed within the list below:Click here to see the Timezone list |
Bulk importing users’ KiwiSaver Employer for NZ.
For all inputs beginning with zero, the data must be entered within quotation marks (“0”). Example: Mobile number 0411112222, must be entered as “0411112222″. Please note the legend offered below the links which outlines each field and formatting required.
Please download this linked file for you to complete.
Please follow along with this walkthrough video that goes through each element of the file:
Field | Example | Description |
User Identifier | Ariana.Citizen | Required The User Identifier refers to the unique profile information that the system uses to differentiate between all users on the account. The Username is the user identifier for this account. |
employerContribution | 5.5 | Required Important:
The Employer’s Contribution rate must be entered as a number, up to 2 decimal places, and without any special characters such as %. |
contributionToComplyingFund | 5.5 | Important:
The Employer’s Contribution to the complying fund must be entered as a number, up to 2 decimal places, and without any special characters such as %. |
ESCTRateThreshold | 70000 | Important:
The ESCT Rate Threshold Amount will determine the ESCT Rate percentage. This field must be entered as the salary amount. The system will automatically set the ESCT Rate accordingly:
ESCTEffectiveDate | 01/02/2023 | Important:
This date must be today or prior, and be in the format DD/MM/YYYY. |
ESCTCalculationMethod | 2 | Required This field must be entered as a number. Please select an option: