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Perfecting Payroll: Know Your Awards, Risks and Responsibilities

Perfecting Payroll: Know Your Awards, Risks and Responsibilities

For most organisations, Perfecting Payroll is a constant challenge. But rather than being a major compliance risk, it should be a hassle-free, automated process that runs smoothly every cycle.

In this session, Natasha Hawker (Managing Director, Employee Matters), John Mamo (Partner, Findex) and Simone Dixon (Risk & Compliance Manager, ELMO Software) explored and covered pay pain points and best-practice solutions, such as:

  • Understanding the award landscape
  • Why awards matter – even if I pay above the award rate
  • How to manage and communicate award changes
  • Breaches and liabilities – how to stay compliant
  • In-house vs outsourced – how do I choose?
  • Can I outsource my responsibilities?
  • How to manage superannuation more effectively

You can watch the Perfecting Payroll on-demand recording below.