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Performance, resilience and courage during times of crisis, with James Chapman

Performance, resilience and courage during times of crisis, with James Chapman

Season 01 Episode 03
Learning from – and optimising – the opportunities presented by change

Who better to talk about handling professional and personal setbacks, building resilience and striving for high performance than an elite athlete?

In this episode, we chat with two-time rowing Olympian, James Chapman. Not only does James talk about his past experiences in the sporting arena, he also reveals what he’s observed in the corporate world in his capacity as Principal Consultant with Maximus International.

James talks about:

  • Redefining performance in this new era
  • Why leaders are “the custodians of corporate culture”
  • Avoiding the temptation to make decisions based on fear and anxiety
  • How critical structure and routine is for human psychology
  • Why courage has emerged as perhaps the most sought-after trait during COVID-19.

“It’s not adversity that defines you; it’s how you respond to adversity that defines you,” says James.