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Performance, gaining perspective, and sticking with your goals through the hard times, with Kurt Fearnley

Performance, gaining perspective, and sticking with your goals through the hard times, with Kurt Fearnley

PeoplePod Season 02 Episode 01

Performance, gaining perspective, and sticking with your goals through the hard times

We have all set ourselves a series of personal and professional goals, but not everyone can say we have made it across the finish line. 3-time Paralympic gold medallist, Kurt Fearnley talks to the PeoplePod team about the challenges of sticking with your goals, staying motivated through the failures and setbacks, managing your mental health, and seeking out mentors along the way.

In this episode, Kurt chats about:

  • Lessons in resilience, based on experiences along the Kokoda Trail
  • The importance of building a community of mentors
  • Ways to build a team culture of positivity and gratitude

If you’re on the road to a management position, or simply seeking a fresh perspective on renewing your team’s motivation, this episode is for you.