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Learning from – and optimising – the opportunities presented by change, with Catherine DeVrye

Learning from – and optimising – the opportunities presented by change, with Catherine DeVrye

Season 01 Episode 02
Learning from – and optimising – the opportunities presented by change

COVID-19 has tested each and every one of us in unexpected ways. Yet for all its challenges, best-selling author and respected business executive Catherine DeVrye says there is a silver lining in every dark cloud. “I actually believe that every problem has an opportunity – it’s just that sometimes we can’t see the opportunity at the time,” she tells the PeoplePod crew.

In this episode, Catherine uses her inimitable good humour to talk about:

  • her own experiences dealing with sometimes overwhelming challenges
  • why life’s “little failures” are critical to building resilience
  • why the key take-away from the COVID-19 experience is to accept that while change is inevitable, learning from change is optional – but that’s where the biggest gains are made

“Worry about what you can change; don’t waste energy on what you can’t change,” she advises.