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WEBINAR: Using Data-Driven Insights to Enhance Organisational Change Outcomes

WEBINAR: Using Data-Driven Insights to Enhance Organisational Change Outcomes

In this webinar, ELMO’s M&A Integration Lead Jason Portelli and Head of Integration, Heath Radel discuss how emerging areas like organisational network analysis, cultural analytics and workplace analytics can be utilised to gain valuable workforce insights – which in turn can be used to navigate through volatile times. 

Discover expert insights, including:

  • How to shift from offering opinions to providing insights – and why this is critical for HR’s future development 
  • The people analytics that matter most when embarking on organisational change 
  • How data fuels scenario planning – enabling you to make the right decisions and plan ahead, even when the situation is changing on a daily, weekly and monthly basis 
  • Technology’s role in easing HR’s workload and streamlining processes – featuring a live demo of the ELMO suite

Simply click on the link below to access it any time.