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2021 ELMO Insights Exchange – Webinar (New Zealand)

2021 ELMO Insights Exchange – Webinar (New Zealand)

It’s fair to say that at the start of 2020, few would have predicted the turmoil to come. COVID-19 has fundamentally changed how organisations operate, perhaps forever.

In ELMO’s Insights Exchange Webinar, you’ll hear the results and insights from ELMO’s second annual AU/NZ HR Industry Benchmark Survey, conducted in partnership with the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI). We’ll compare the HR landscape using data and insights from the 2020 survey where a record 1800+ HR professionals participated, to those we gathered in 2019, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to better tackle the changing workforce in 2021.

Hear from ELMO’s Chief HR Officer – Monica Watt, Product Director – Amelia Riddle and Integrations Lead – Jason Portelli discuss what the findings mean for the industry moving into 2021, including:

  • The use of HR data and metrics – what is the current state of play, what are the challenges, and what can HR do about improving the situation?
  • The employee experience (EX) – now, with ‘hybrid’ workplaces seemingly the norm, the EX has fundamentally changed. What does this mean for the future of work?
  • How can HR build upon the strides made in 2020?

In this new, uncharted era, such insights are more valuable than ever before to help you navigate the year ahead.

Simply click on the link below to access it anytime.

Note: Please allow a minute or so for the video to load.